In the heart of Yael Serlin's work lies a journey inward and outwards. A passage of memory and forgotten signs. Serlin's artworks employ various means to reflect the longing for the memories shrouded in oblivion of the lost roots of Jewish community's that once existed and no longer do. Her work attempts to examine how personal memory and collective memory are shaped by the act of imagining, at the foundation of which lies the act of forgetting. Both mechanisms are shaped by images comprised of authentic components, events that took place, and of imagined parts. In contrast to collective memory, in which the act of forgetting is applied to conceal, silence, and exclude narratives likely to disturb the collective ethos and the hegemony. The mechanism of forgetting in the human mind will not erase trauma, forever leaving its imprint on the soul and the memory.
Yael Serlin - CV
Born in 1983, lives and works in Jerusalem
2012-2014 MEd Art Education, Beit Berl College of Art, Tel Aviv
2006-2010 B.Ed. Art and Education, Emunah College, Jerusalem

Photo Credit: Alicia Shahaf